As I get better at something my experience of it, in the moment is ever changing. Most noticeable is my perception of time while practicing. When something is new seems as if time is flying by. It seems as if I couldn't quite keep up with what is happening. The experience of time like this is exhilarating, exciting, enticing... which is why I continue. This "time flying feeling" is also out of control and frustrating. That frustration occurs because in those moments I am not making choices about how to proceed. I am only reacting.
I find that the most satisfying and safe way to practice Reverse Warrior is to focus on the side bend, only allowing slight extension in the upper spine. With a few conscious and powerful breaths directed to that side body opening can be a great experience of liberation. Pay attention and listen to your body, move slowly and with intention.
When a practice takes me to Urdhva Dhanurasana it feels like a few breaths of celebration. This is the pose that most often brings to to a place or emotional release and a deeper connection with myself and the moment. I have often come down from a third round of Urdhva Dhanurasana and felt so very full of life and bliss that there in a smile on my face and tears in my eyes. Urdhva Dhanurasana makes me feel open hearted, strong, awake, and full of energy.