The endocrine system is a collection of glands that release or inhibit hormones into the circulatory system. These hormones regulate many functions in the body including temperature, hunger, thirst, metabolic rate, attachment, sleep, circadian rhythms, childbirth, emotions and growth. We can use our yoga practice to give each organ a squeeze and stimulate blood and energy flow to improve function of these glands and organs. The following practice is well rounded, and an excellent way to give your entire endocrine system a boost toward optimal function. Please skip any pose that is not appropriate for you. Start in Sukhasana. (Easy crossed legs.) Root sit bones, long spine, lift heart and back of head. Jalandhara bandha. Pranayama. Deep inhale, Long, slow exhale. x10 Visualize the intricate network of systems that make up the body. The respiratory, the circulatory, the endocrine, the nervous systems. See them all humming with energy and life. See them working well to keep you healthy and strong. Cat/Cow. x3-5 Traditional Childs (with forehead making contact on to floor or block). 5 deep breaths Rabbit Pose. 5 breaths Headstand. 3-10 breaths Balasana. (Extended Childs.) Side to side. 3-5 breaths Adho Mukha Svanasana. (Downward Dog.) 5 breaths Uttanasana. (Standing Forward Fold.) 3 breaths Ardha Uttanasana. (Half way Standing forward fold.) 3 breaths Tadasana. (Mountain) Reach up look up, open front body. Vrksasana. (Tree.) 3-5 breaths each side Utthita Trikonasana. (Triangle.) 3-5 breaths each side Ardha chandrasana. (Half Moon.) 3-5 breaths each side Setu bandhasana. 3-10 breaths Open book twists. Halasana. (Plow.) Shoulderstand. Matsyasana. (Fish.) Janu sirsasana. 3 breaths each side Paschimottanasana. 5 breaths Matsyendrasana D. 3 breaths each side Savasana or Supta Baddha Konasana (with bolster supporting back). 3-5minutes